New Book Release

“A Solemn Curfew and Other Dark Tales is now available on Amazon.

Big thank you to all of you who pre-ordered copies.

A Solemn Curfew and Other Dark Tales Cover

Custard Creams and Elementals

Yes, the last story in the collection, apart from “A Solemn Curfew”, and it really is called “Custard Creams and Elementals.”

First the biscuit versus cookie question. I am English, so I say biscuit and this gives me the option of biccie if I am feeling affectionate to a variety on offer. I also say biscuit barrel and not cookie jar.

Having cleared up that sticky problem, let us move on to custard creams.

These are my husband’s favourite biscuits, only chocolate bourbons running them a close second. I would rather put a cardboard and brick dust sandwich in my mouth.

So, when Marjorie had to chose what to feed her little captives, it had to be custard creams..

The picture is of nice  (biccies) biscuits.


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New Collection

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My new book, a collection of short stories, is now available to pre-order on Amazon. It’s an assortment of the dark and the weird and just occasionally, a laugh a minute.

A collection of eight dark fantasy stories. There is the small girl knows what is living at the bottom of the garden. And the woman who has no idea what is living in hers. The stranger upstairs who doesn’t know why the sea is important. And the woman next door who shouldn’t have been so busy. In the fens a boy longs to hear a swan sing its last. And in the dairy there is a problem cheese. A wife who just needs a good nights sleep and finally the ambitious vegetable chef toiling away in a castle kitchen thwarted at every turn.